Heart attack occurs when the artery of the heart is reduced or severely blocked due to the build up of fats, cholesterol and other substances. It reduces or stops the flow of blood to heart muscle which can be deadly if it is not treated on time. Whereas, heartburn is the state of feeling of burning sensation or pain in the chest because of the travelling of stomach acid to esophagus.
The primary symptom of heart attack is chest pain. But chest pain can also be the cause of heartburn or other non cardiac diseases. As both heart attack and heartburn have similar symptoms, most of the time people confuses heart attack with heartburn. But there are some key differences too. The differences can be noticed in terms of location, radiation, duration and nature of chest pain and other things associated with the disease.
- Location of pain:
In case of heart attack, the pain is felt at the center of the chest. Whereas in heartburn, the pain is felt at the upper abdomen.
- Radiation :
In heart attack, the pain radiates from chest to hands (specially on left hand), jaw, arms, neck, back, stomach or shoulders. But in heartburn, the radiation of pain is not much prominent. Sometimes the pain or burning sensation can spread up to the throat.
- Nature of chest pain:
The chest pain in heart attack is more like diffused type. The pain cannot be localized easily. The person feels pressure, compression, tightness or heaviness on chest.
Whereas in heartburn, there is burning sensation on chest. The patient can feel tightness on the chest too but the pain is sharp and can be localized easily. Meaning, the person can easily understand the location from where the pain is originating. The condition worsens by eating, bending forward or lying down.
- Duration of chest pain:
In heart attack, the pain persists for few minutes. The pain reduces or disappears if taken rest. It keeps coming and going in a recurring process. While in heartburn, the pain persists for few minutes to several hours.
- Precipitating and relieving factors:
In heart attack, the pain increases when the person walks or moves and it disappears if taken rest. Taking antacids doesn’t give relief to it.
If chest pain increases because of deep respiration, eating, body movement, coughing, bending down, and relief is found after taking antacids or anything that neutralizes stomach acidity, then in this case the reason of the pain is heartburn.
- Associated features:
Fatigue, nauseous, unexpected weakness, dizziness, lightheaded, shortness in breathing, palpitation, excessive and cold sweating, restlessness, lethargy along with chest pain indicates heart attack. On the other hand, bloating, belching, burping, hiccups, sour or metallic taste in mouth, difficulty in eating and indigestion along with chest pain indicates heartburn.